{"id":1489,"date":"2024-05-14T13:12:31","date_gmt":"2024-05-14T13:12:31","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/footballcollective.org.uk\/?post_type=general&p=1489"},"modified":"2024-05-14T13:12:31","modified_gmt":"2024-05-14T13:12:31","slug":"what-is-a-game-of-two-halves-in-football","status":"publish","type":"general","link":"https:\/\/footballcollective.org.uk\/general\/what-is-a-game-of-two-halves-in-football\/","title":{"rendered":"What Is a Game of Two Halves in Football?"},"content":{"rendered":"

It is clich\u00e9 that most clich\u00e9s are true, but then like most clich\u00e9s, that clich\u00e9 is untrue. If you think too hard about that quotation from Stephen Fry then your brain might implode, but it\u2019s true that football is a sport bedevilled by clich\u00e9 and lazy journalism.<\/p>\n

Mind you, one of the sport\u2019s cliches that has stuck is that of the fabled \u2018game of two halves\u2019, which \u2013 as we know \u2013 is both a descriptor and a truism given that football matches have, you guessed it, two halves. But there\u2019s a deeper meaning to this particular clich\u00e9, which we explore in this article.<\/p>\n

\u2018Game of Two Halves\u2019 Meaning<\/h2>\n